Case studies
Organisations large and small use Matrix Booking to manage their workplaces. Browse our customer success stories to discover the benefits they’re enjoying.
Solent NHS Trust has saved over £65k per year by using data from Matrix Booking to understand how desks and meeting rooms are being used and adapting to the patterns in demand.
Direct Line Group uses data from Matrix Booking to understand how resources are being used across the organisation, which shapes and guides Direct Line Group’s facilities provision, property, and environmental strategies.
Find out how Matrix Booking has enhanced the way Direct Line Group works
Matrix Booking has supported NHS Kent and Medway’s 800-stong workforce to work flexibly and productively, while enabling the organisation to consolidate services and reduce office space.
Find out how Matrix Booking supported a rise in hybrid working for NHS Kent and Medway
BEIS is using Matrix Booking to capture desk occupancy data, as well as detailed stats on different teams’ working patterns, to enable smart planning of future office spaces.
Find out how Matrix Booking supports hybrid working for BEIS
Visitors to the EDF training centre use the Matrix Booking mobile app to view scheduled appointments and travel arrangements in one place.
Find out how Matrix Booking supports over 2,000 users to work smartly
Staffordshire County Council is enjoying a more flexible way for its teams to book meeting rooms, desks, and even car parking spaces, using a single application. This has improved employee satisfaction and enabled cost savings that can be reinvested into front-line services for local people.
Find out how Matrix Booking supports over 2,000 users to work smartly
The MoJ developed the Commuter Hub programme to guarantee a desk in a location close to an employee’s home. The initiative has had a positive influence on people’s work/life balance, and has rapidly grown into a network of sites.
Find out how Matrix Booking now supports over 30,000 bookings per month
The National Probation Service (NPS) is now one of the many departments within the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) using the Matrix Booking cloud-based resource booking system. Following a successful regional pilot, the NPS expanded Matrix Booking to cover room bookings across all its sites.
Find out why Matrix Booking are a key component of the Commuter Hubs Programme
Matrix Booking has been instrumental in the launch of new clinical hubs, by maximising the availability and utilisation of rooms across different buildings with the Trust.
Find out how Matrix Booking supported Devon Partnership NHS with the launch of new clinical hubs
The children’s charity is using Matrix Booking to support its hybrid workers and ensure it’s using its office space as efficiently as possible.
Find out how Matrix Booking supported the adoption of a hot desk policy for Action for Children
The housing management company chose Matrix Booking to support hot-desking and its sophisticated meeting room booking needs.
Find out how Matrix Booking helped Newark and Sherwood Homes to introduce hot-desking
The education provider selected Matrix Booking to manage its fleet of vehicles, and later expanded it to cover other resources.
Boutique consulting firm Shelby Group rolled out Matrix Booking to enable real-time management of its resources, and support its hot desking strategy.
Find out how our solution has allowed The Shelby Group to manage their facilities in real-time
The UK’s Department of Health and Social Care selected Matrix Booking’s accessible software to manage resources across multiple buildings.
See how Matrix Booking provided a centralised solution that was easy to use and required no training
Explore how else Matrix Booking can help you
Employees can search for desks in any of your buildings or shared hubs, find colleagues, make bookings for their team, and more.
People can find rooms that meet their needs, including location, facilities, capacity, and accessibility. Add equipment, catering, and other essentials.
Efficiently manage visitor sign in systems across your sites, ensuring a secure welcome and clear communication of health and safety procedures.
Powerful reports help you keep track of occupancy levels, usage trends, and more, so that you can continually optimise your estates.